"Dear Brothers, if anyone has slipped away from God and no longer trusts the Lord and someone helps him understand the Truth again, that person who brings him back to God will have saved a wandering soul from death, bringing about the forgiveness of his many sins."

James 5:19-20




The verse above was written in the first century A.D. by the brother of Jesus. It still holds true today.

Have God Will Travel (HGWT) mission is to empower people in overcoming life's everyday trials and adversities by applying the lessons and doctrines of the Bible thus assuring their salvation.

HGWT intends to bless people by preaching and healing minds and bodies thereby enhancing their faith. This is ministered by annointing with oil and the laying on have hands. (James 5: 14-16)

We believe all people are united with the love of Jesus.

HGWT desires to open minds to Biblical truth and allow the truth to set individuals free from sin and bondage. 

HGWT believes in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (First Corinthians 12: 7-11).  We also believe there are different kinds of service but the same Lord, there are different kinds of working but the same God works all of them in all men (First Corinthians 12: 5-6).

HGWT is therefore a multi-denominational ministry.

Then we can all see each other in heaven.





Born in Carbondale, Illinois; the oldest child in a hardworking family of modest means, David learned early that maximum effort was required to achieve his goals. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree at Missouri Western State University; and earned a Masters degree in Psychology from the University of Evansville in Indiana.  David is also a retired Navy Chief Petty Officer.

At the age of 33, David decided to join the Army to work out God's plan for his life that included service in Panama and work as a Military Policeman on a NATO base in the Netherlands.  

In September of 1999,
David surrendered and gave his life to Christ. Shortly thereafter he was baptized at New Life Community Church in Kansas City, Mo. He experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit during his Baptism by submersion and received the Gift of Healing  (First Corinthians 12 Verse 9). 

From 1999-2004, David was an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Park University in Kansas City. 

After David
's conversion experience, he plunged into his newfound faith with vigor. He sought out knowledge and guidance. Towards that pursuit, he enrolled at Faith Bible College in Independence, MO. It was there that David met his Christian mentor, Dr. Zalmer Nichols, known to all as "Dr. Nick." Dr. Nick has been a guiding light to David ever since and they remain close friends to this day.


After 911, David's Navy Reserve Unit was activated. The unit was stationed at the Navy Base at Chinhae S. Korea. David was there for one year. During that year, he finished his Ph.D in Scriptural Psychology with an emphasis in Christian Counseling (with dissertation and supervised practicum). David developed his doctoral dissertation that included a Christian Counseling Model.


From 2014-2015 David completed his Doctorate of Theology at Kingsway Christian College. 


In association with Faith Bible College and Dr. Nick, David and his lovely wife Peggy have traveled overseas, multiple times to Durban, South Africa with HGWT Ministry to preach the Word of God. He has a standing invitation to return to South Africa anytime that God calls him to do so. This Ministry involves support for a Missionary team to Mozambique and guest Pulpit Preaching and Healing Services at many churches.


Dave also made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and was re-baptized in the River Jordan (pictured below). He received more spiritual gifts during this Baptism.


Now David wants to share his education and spiritual experience serving the Lord by helping other people. His motto from  1 Peter 3: 10, "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others faithfully administering Gods' grace in it's various forms."



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